"I just came across your blog and wanted to thank you for contributing such a breadth of information regarding many different aspects of microbiology. I'm going to be teaching an advanced microbiology course this spring and I'm excited to be referencing your blog.
Thanks again for spending the time to do this."
Bethany D. Jenkins
University of Rhode Island
I've been enjoying this page very much. I stumbled on it a couple months ago and recognized your name, though I wasn't sure at first where from. Some years ago I bought a used _Growth of the bacterial cell_ on account of some citation somewhere, and loved it. Only later did I find out about _Physiology of the bacterial cell_ and study that book too. They're both so clear, concrete, and precise, and I've recommended them to other people whenever possible. I wish the field of growth rate regulation had progressed and clarified more significantly in the several years since these books were published. It doesn't seem to have changed much, and there's a real brew of contradictions, if I remember right, when it comes to things like ppGpp modulation of various RNA-pol holoenzymes.
Posted by: Eric Johnson | October 13, 2007 at 04:58 PM