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Fran  Gillin

I had missed Josh's obit in the NY Times--thanks for posting your comments.

I was actually a post-doc with AT Ganesan in the Genetics dept at Stanford (1967-9!!!) when Josh was chair. Since "Gan" had been Josh's student, I guess Josh was my "scientific grandfather". He was a larger than life character--according to Gan, he filled the room physically, as well as intellectually--as earlier he was quite large--there were stories about collapsed chairs!! The genetics Dept which Josh built was very diverse--ranging from classical bacterial genetics (us) to neurobiology, mammalian cell genetics and exobiology. Josh was writing columns on science for the Washington Post--and wrote about genetic engineering, which I thought then was truly "out there." He was quite the visionary in many respects. He was always cordial and genial to the students (who never wanted to leave) and post-docs. It was a time of great political and social and scientific ferment--and what better place to be than in the midst of it!!

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