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Mark O. Martin

Sadly, that article will cost me money to get, since we don't have a subscription here (once again, Jon Eisen, you are correct about open source publishing). But you can rest assured I will get a copy. That, and your video, is PRECISELY the kind of thing my students---who only get ONE microbiology course---need to see.

I particularly loved the "translation" of power and speed of the flagellar motor from the "nanoscale" to the macroworld. It's like telling students about the length of the DNA molecule within a single cell of E. coli, and the necessary viscosity of resultant nucleoid, which in turn must somehow yield up the correct DNA sequences for transcription at a moment's notice.... In other words, starting with something seemingly straightforward, and then moving the students' attention toward the way reality exists at the microbial scale. It changes the way students, and professors, see everything. Or should.

Enough with eukaryocentric thinking! Lynn Margulis was right: prokaryotes "invented" everything first.

Back to my old friend Pliny: “Nature is to be found in her entirety nowhere more than in her smallest creatures."

Wonderful post....

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