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Bioluminescence is a fascinating and vexing topic. We know of several different and unrelated groups of fungi that do it, but why? Of course, attracting insects for spore dessemination is always suggested but it's not likely the reason, at least not for all situations. Plus, with the incredibly acute sensories of insects (tactile, olfactory, chemo-, etc), it seems unlikely that that they "need" to rely on vision. I know that sounds teleological, but no more so that having to find a reason for glowing in the dark. Maybe it is a shunt system...or maybe it just is. Who knows?

In fungi, some produce sporophores (mushrooms) that glow, but in others it's the mycelium that glows...while buried somewhere. Some argue that it attracts wood ingesting insects...I say that if you have to get that close to see the stuff, you likely already knew it was there via some other method.

After about a 10 second search, I couldn't find any previous writings on the topic by Elio...can someone hook me up with a link?

Also, the journal I edit, Fungi magazine, will publish an article on the topic in the near future. If any reader out there has info on the topic to share, I would GREATLY appreciate it, as I'm always trying to learn more. Thanks!

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