by Elio
Just for kicks, let's count up recent papers that say the microbiome is a good thing and those that say otherwise.
Just count titles.
For instance:
Socially transmitted gut microbiota protect bumble bees against an intestinal parasite
Drosophila Microbiome Modulates Host Developmental and Metabolic Homeostasis via Insulin Signaling
Successful Transmission of a Retrovirus Depends on the Commensal Microbiota
Intestinal Microbiota Promote Enteric Virus Replication and Systemic Pathogenesis
So, right now, the score is 2 to 2. It will change soon.
Especially if you send us some to add to the list.
Is the use of the term any different from years ago when "recombinant" may have been an often found word in titles? Terms such as these seem to reflect the current level of technology/research tools used to explore the world we live in...
Posted by: Rodney Sobieski | December 25, 2011 at 10:17 AM