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Paddy Reynolds

Hi Elio, don't feel bad about not knowing much, or indeed, anything about glomalin. I retired from medical practice and started ranching cattle in my retirement. As a physician, if I am to be effective, It is mandatory to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body. As a manager of grasslands I felt it was mandatory to at least understand how nature works. I was fortunate to be mentored by a soil scientist from a local university, who included glomalin in my Soil Science Crash Course. Lucky me. Since then I have found that no one knows anything about this amazing glycoprotein. Its amazing to me that with all the argument about CO2 and climate change, noone cares about Glomalin. Sara Wright showed that increasing atmospheric CO2 dramatically increased mycorrhizal fungi and therefore the laying down of glomalin. Good to read your blog.

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