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some fungal endophytes of algae that i've heard of:
Blodgettia bornetti grows in the walls of tropical Cladophora (ulvos)
Mycosphaerella ascophylli is a symbiont of Ascophyllum nodosum (phaeo) the algae will not develop without the fungus! the fungus grows between the cells and reproduces asexually there.
hmm i just moved to the atlantic coast and A. nodosum is all over the place. I should grab me a sprig and get it under the microscope and see if i can find this little boogers!
Tugidosculum ulvae infects Ulva vexata.
Kohlmeyer, Jan and E. Kohlmeyer. 1979 "submarine lichens and lichenlike associations" in "marine mycology: the higher fungi" p70-78 acad press ny
Posted by: barry | November 28, 2013 at 03:17 PM