by Elio
As is our custom, we take a two week vacation at this time of year, deserved or not. We'll see you again in the new year, starting on January 6th. Please accept our wishes for a fine Holiday Season. May cheerful thoughts of the Small Things dance in your head.
My thanks go to Andrea Gwartney who manages the technical aspects of this blog with rare skill and unmistakable dedication. I also thank Erika Shugart, Director of Communications and Strategic Marketing and Chris Condayan, Manager, Public Outreach, of the ASM staff who have fostered this cause with sensitive care and great perception. All have made the task much more pleasant.
Would that lovely AFM image of Hydrogen bonds be of interest for the 'pictures are worth a thousand words' posts?
Posted by: Phoebe Lostroh | January 08, 2014 at 10:56 PM