by Mechas
Fig. 1. Projected temperature changes globally. The top maps show the estimated climate change for a 2°C global average change; the middle figure for a 3°C change and the bottom figure for a 4°C change. Baseline=1961–1990. Source
Whether on vacation, hard at work, or just wandering through the day, we are constantly at risk of being unsettled by encroaching tidbits of unsolicited news. In the past weeks, climate-change-associated disasters have taken prevalence: record-breaking high temperatures in Siberia, devastating rains in Europe and the US, and heat waves and yet more heat waves...
Geological and fossil records indicate that our planet has undergone many changes during its 4.5-billion-year history. Global temperatures rise and fall, continents shift, species come and go. As humans we are uniquely capable of appreciating (or so we think) past events and envisioning future scenarios. Among which, as urgently broadcast everywhere lately, is climate change.
The current climate crisis is unusual given our central role in generating carbon emissions that greatly accelerate the rise in global temperatures. Faced with the need to respond to and minimize the impacts of climate change, Microbiologists issued warnings and urged shifting our focus towards economies that emphasize sustainability and conservation. The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) included this information on its website, and, together with the American Academy of Microbiology, prepared a report that urges understanding the role of microbes in climate and how they can be harnessed to address this crisis.
The question now is: what will we do? We each have a role to play, scientists, politicians, world leaders, but it will ultimately boil down to those individual choices made by the nearly 8 billion persons on this planet to collectively curb the escalating warming trend. What are you willing to do/change to avert this crisis? Can we move towards a circular economy, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, change our diet and be more selective about acquiring things? All ideas are welcome.
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