by Roberto
It's been almost a year since our last puzzle, here's another one. Quite appropriate to have a test at the end of the semester. If you've kept up your STC reading, this may prove an easy test. If you haven't... Well, this is your chance to catch up.
In a secret code, we have received this feedback regarding six of our favorite posts from this past semester (January to June 2024). Your challenge is to decode each message into its corresponding sentence in English and below that, write the title of the associated post.
wneh ti ecosm ot onatmisut noyyumnsos tbnssisotituu ndee ton aslawy eb stneli.
ereth si na lbneniuade taebyu ni eht tiuyn fo mbriocisheyt.
gsuin tintopgcesoe ew cna itpemuaanl eht ahoiervb fo mgirnasos tiwh tlihg.
ti si giaznma owh naym loecoisn uoy nac iuzlaesvi ni a eitpp pit.
tinnohg ni byliogo aksem neses teexpc ni teh igthl fo eoylgco nad onvoelitu.
eciencs gntrwii yam rappea dganniut tub ti cna eb lsifiepmd.
To determine if anyone out there actually solves this puzzle, please email your answers to: [email protected]. The first three persons sending us the right answers will receive a free copy of the digital version of Life at the Edge of Sight. Apologies that it must be the digital version, but last time we offered the physical copy, the overseas recipients had to pay a heavy import tax! We will update this post once we have received three winning answers.
Happy puzzle solving!
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